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mug up

美 [mʌɡ ʌp]英 [mʌɡ ʌp]
  • (口)考前赶(功课)
mug upmug up

mug up


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 攻读;快速学习
    If you mug up a subject or mug up on it, you study it quickly, so that you can remember the main facts about it.

    ...visitors who want to mug up their knowledge in the shortest possible time...



study intensively, as before an exam
I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam
Synonym: cram grind away drum bone up swot get up swot up bone


  1. It is advisable to mug up on your Spanish , too , as few locals speak English .


  2. I must mug up some facts about shakespeare 's language if I am to take the exam .


  3. I must mug up some formulas if I am to take the examination next week .


  4. I 've got to mug up my history before tomorrow 's exam .


  5. I will mug up the laws on this subject before I advise my friends .


  6. ' Why who has cocked my silver mug up there , on a nail ? 'exclaimed the boy .


  7. In the first one English class , the teacher will convey give us a clear message : as constituting basic language materials , new words is must mug up , Any other shortcuts are fools gold .


  8. Students have no choice But to mug up on it if they want to progress further . a small canoe consisting of a light frame made watertight with animal skins ; used by Eskimos .
